Last year, solar analyst Cory Honeyman filled out a bracket to predict which states would install the most solar in 2015. Some of our readers wanted in on the action, so this year we decided to create our own March Madness competition.

This is your chance to prove your market forecasting chops. Download the bracket and fill in which states you think will install the most residential solar in the first quarter of 2015. Email it back to us at (or fax it to 617.941.4733). The winning entry will earn a free ticket to Grid Edge Live in San Diego on June 24 and 25.

We've provided a list of the 16 states that installed the most residential solar in 2014, based on our latest U.S. Solar Market Insight report, but feel free to include states that are not on our list.


(Click the image to enlarge, or download the PDF here.)

To get a leg up on the competition, be sure to download the free U.S. Solar Market Insight report executive summary. In it, you will find state rankings, installation totals, policy analysis, pricing and more.



Fill out the bracket based on your predictions of which states will install the most residential solar in the first quarter of 2015. As a guide, we've provided the 16 states that installed the most residential solar PV in 2014. When filling out your bracket, feel free to include states that are not on this list.

Email your completed bracket to OR fax it to 617.941.4733.

The entrant that picks the top 16 states in the correct order (or the closest to it) will win a ticket to Grid Edge Live in San Diego on June 24-25. In the case of a tie, GTM Research will randomly select one of the winning brackets. Entries are due by March 31, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. (EDT). We will announce the winner upon release of the Q1 2015 U.S. Solar Market Insight report in early June.